our story

Growing up I spent my time between Wyoming and Texas working, shaping, traveling and seeing the hard work behind the hat business my dad built from the ground up. When he got sick in 2019, our whole world was shaken. He was the pinnacle of our family and we didn’t have much time to adjust to what came to be a very fast moving end to his life. 

Grief, change, and the devastation of losing our Papa Maddox hit us all very hard. After time, I had to take a step back from the family business to heal, grow and do what was best for me, my wife and two girls. We had a lot to work through together. 

After time away, it came down to wanting to build our legacy for our girls. And the generations to come. We’ve been through a lot and we have all worked together to remind ourselves what is important. And for us, legacy is just that. 

We wanted to build a brand that was more than just a business and honored what I learned from my dad. Cowboy hats embody everything we want to bring to the world: high-quality craftsmanship, hard work, heritage and community. 

We’ve found so much hope and healing through starting Maddox Legacy and we can’t wait to see what God does. And we hope you allow us to be a part of building your legacy too. 

- Bret